10 Signs You Have A Weak Immune System

10 Signs You Have A Weak Immune System

If you’re wondering whether or not your immune system is functioning correctly, you’ve come to the right place. Our immunity is critical to our health, so we need to be aware of the warning signs that indicate our body’s defense system is suffering.

Keep reading for a list of signs and symptoms that indicate a weakened immune system. By the end of this article, you’ll have all the information you need to determine the condition of your immune system.

1. Fatigue

Suffering from fatigue and excessive tiredness can often be a sign of poor immune health.

In fact, according to studies, fatigue is far more prevalent in patients with medical conditions that involve dysfunction of the immune system or autoimmune diseases. 

This is because chronic fatigue affects the chemical messengers that communicate with our immune system and can cause it to become either weak or overactive.

If we’re noticing we feel tired more often than usual, it may be time to pay closer attention to the health of our immunity.

2. Frequently catching colds

Most people will experience the common cold at some point in their lives, but if we’re constantly catching colds, it’s a good sign that we have a weak immune system.

This is because the immune system primarily plays a role in fighting infectious diseases like colds. When our bodies are exposed to antigens that cause colds, the immune system creates antibodies to destroy these germs that make us sick.

Then, once the antibodies complete their mission, we gain active immunity, which means our bodies can better fight off the cold next time.

But if we’re suffering from a weakened immune system, our active immunity becomes impaired, leaving us defenseless against immune system attacks. 

That’s why anyone constantly catching colds likely has a low immunity due to poor immune system health.

3. Frequently catching fevers

When we’re fighting against infection, our body temperature rises to speed up the immune cells that are meant to kill bacteria.

This rise in temperature, also known as fever, is an immune system response and can help fight infections - but if we’re frequently catching fevers, this could be a sign that our immune system isn’t working correctly.

That’s because frequent fevers mean we’re getting frequent infections. Ideally, our immune systems should be able to reduce our risk of developing diseases in the first place, preventing fevers from happening at all.

4. High stress

Those with higher stress levels may be at a higher risk of immune deficiency. That’s why stress can often be a sign that we have poor immune system health.

Research indicates that the more a stressor becomes chronic, the more the immune system is potentially affected negatively.

This is why we should make every effort to lower our stress levels and boost immunity.

5. Digestive problems

Digestive problems such as gas, bloating, constipation, or diarrhea can often signify a struggling immune system.

According to studies, the bacteria in our gut can negatively or positively impact our immunity. 

When the gut is overrun with harmful microbiota, our immune system weakens, but we become more vulnerable to digestive issues.

Poor digestive health indicates poor immune health, and anyone suffering from an unhealthy gut should also get their immune system checked out to be safe.

6. Achy muscles and joints

Muscle and joint pain are often indicators that our immunity is compromised.

When we’re suffering from an infection, we may notice that we feel achy and sore. But believe it or not, this isn’t the infection bringing us pain - it’s our immune system.

While this is normal, muscles and excessively sore joints may be signs of an overactive immune system. 

An overactive immune system is dangerous as it could lead to autoimmune disease, so we should see a doctor if we notice that we constantly feel aches and pains.

7. Skin problems

Autoimmune diseases can also negatively affect the quality of our skin, which is why skin problems are a sign of dysfunctional immunity.

But how does this work? Studies explain that an overactive immune system attacks normal skin, which can cause the following skin problems:

  • Skin inflammation
  • Red, scaly skin
  • Scarring
  • Dry, cracked skin
  • Itchy skin

That’s why anyone suffering from these skin issues may want to take a more active role in supporting their immune system health.

8. Weight issues

Being overweight can signify that our immune system isn’t functioning at optimal capacity.

Studies show that obesity is known to impair immune function and lower our immune response. This is a problem as the immune response is how our body recognizes and protects itself against antigens.

That’s why overweight people may be more susceptible to getting sick from infectious diseases and viruses.

9. Delayed wound healing

If we notice that our wounds are taking a long time to heal, it may signify a weak immune system.

That’s because, according to research, immune cells are responsible for repairing and healing injuries. 

But of course, if our immune system is struggling, then our immune cells will be weaker and less effective at doing their job.

10. Poor diet

Anyone not eating a healthy, balanced diet is at an increased risk of having an impaired immune system.

Studies show that diet and immune function are interlinked, which means anyone not getting proper nutrition from the foods they eat probably has weaker immunity.

Vitamin D is essential for us to get from our diet to boost immunity. 

Luckily, FuelOrganics offers a high-quality vegan vitamin D3 supplement that’s perfect for supporting healthy bones and a functioning immune system.


Trusted sources

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  7. Childs, C. E., Calder, P. C., & Miles, E. A. (2019). Diet and Immune Function. Nutrients, 11(8), 1933. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11081933

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